Monday 27 June 2011

Good days


The past week has been great to me, Friday lunch at Delicious at Strait Quay with my lovely lady from my church. She had a hot lemongrass tea and Gado Gado (It is an Indonesian food; vegetables with peanut sauce). I had my spicy Crabmeat spaghetti (It was no called spaghetti, I forgot the name, hehehe)...and we had a Red Velvet Cupcakes with Frozen Cream Lemony Cheese, slurrppppppp....Nice!!! I would definitely bring my man to this place some day to have cakes!!! For this lovely Fly day, of course I wanna thank Mr. and Mrs. Loo for their time and great treat on me, but the most special thanks goes to Mrs. Loo for her time to listen my stories, complaints and so on and for her stories sharing! Tons of thanks always to you.... :)

At Friday night,  I had my cell group with teens and youths in my church. So happy that we were all together  seven persons, what a great number! :) I was not really keen in cell group recently as the number kept dropping, but that night changed me...I promised to myself that I would attend cell group for those children whenever I could make it, just for them...However, I may be off on every once a month for my personal course. They made me see who much love, cares and support they need, families, schools and friends may not be the main source of strength for them to cope with life and things in their journey. Again, it made and reminded me to always be thankful and grateful and realize how good my God is to me and my life. They need us; people and children of God. I hope through this cell group, I could to attend to their spiritually and mentally needs, just let Your will be done through us and the time we gather, please let your Holy Spirit work through and in us Father...Blessed us again to be blessings for these children...! Amen...


Another brand new Saturday for everyone of us who serves in the 21st Penang Boys' Brigade. My intensive class for white badge had a test that day. I got to know, they really studied and could do well in their exam even some were not, but at least, they put their effort to study. For the next classes, I would try to apply more and more practical lessons and activities to them I am going to reward them this Saturday then.

As usually, Saturday is a very tight day. My half day goes to Boys' Brigade and few hours before we have bible class with Mr. Loo at church. Luckily, we didn't have class last week, I could have my nap before the durian party at Eric's house. I didn't eat any that night, I had had my dinner on Thai foods before we went up. For me, it was expensive to pay RM20.00 since I may not eat amount of durian worth RM10.00. I was being bit calculative according to my man, so what??? Hehehe...I had my cycling session that afternoon and I enjoyed the night with cycling and fellowship. :) I had herbal jelly with Jeeson and Tai Wei before I went back. We planned to leave Eric's house earlier but ended up, we arrived at home quite late as well, hahaha...I had a good night sleep that night and can't wait for Sunday. I have date!!!


Another great Sunday was for me. I had ladies date that morning. I started my day with croissant and hot chocolate in Starbucks with my lovely elders again! :) What a good Sunday morning! I didn't talk much about my personal life that morning. We really had a relaxing morning with light talk on various topics. We also did shopping too to Crabtree & Evelyn, I got free gift from Mr. & Mrs. Loo, tons and tons of thanks again to both of you. I enjoyed my day and felt so happy. We went to the Face Shop and did little shopping for my sister. Mrs. Loo also bought some wet tissue for removing make up and eyes masks and ended up, I got the member card for the Face Shop. Last shopping for sister's is coming soon~

We were not ended up there. After dropped by to skin care and cosmetics outlets, we visited some fashion outlets, I met so may nice and sweet little dress, but they were too spicy in price, hahaha...I enjoyed with the window shopping. It was a real shopping time for me after sometimes with Mrs. Loo. Even, I drop by to Gurney, I will go in rush just to check things out, but that Sunday was different before we had a great lunch at Dragon Eye. We were treated by Mr. Loo. Thank you Mr. Loo! :)

Real and true, I enjoyed mu Sunday! :)

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