Wednesday 28 September 2011

Chatting with Long No Time Meet Friend- Made My Day

I have been busy these few weeks, with my job and some activities. In the midst of time, I could remember that I have been lazy and checking on unrelated working stuff, especially those social networking stuff which is not a good habit. Well, I still remember that morning, I got a new Facebook's message, it was from my friend, my friend at school. He is my junior and we haven't met for many years. I was surprised and happy to get his message. He was asking how I am doing here and all. That day, we chatted for almost a day. He updates me with how his life is so far and me too, updating him how my life is. 

I never expect we could talk quite deep into each life. He talked to me a lot of things, about his breaking up with his girlfriend. I did not ask much about that, but he said that for the first time he was drawn closer to his mum because of this. He said while he was losing one relationship, he was strengthening another relationship, which is good. I am happy to know that actually. It is another good quote I guess. It is what happen in life. you give and take, you may lose this but you win some other things at the same times. 

Then, we talked about his family issues, more to his brother, which has a wrong friends. I know his brothers and sister too, they have grown up a lot and I feel I am old. Time flies so fast. They were in Elementary School, but now they are in secondary school. Well, I know how he feels as the eldest in family. It is not easy to deal with family issues when you far apart from them. You can't really see them, talk to them. It is different to talk on phone and face to face. Luckily, my friend is so so understanding and mature. He knows what to do. I just told him to keep his communication on going with  his mom and family, his dad as well. I feel good and happy after talking to him, it refreshed me. I am pretty sure he must be feeling release. I know him pretty well. He is quite a cool guy, doesn't easily talk to people or talk to him. I hope he would doing okay. I found another hidden treasurer out there. Wishing you would do well with your family and believe that best is yet to come for you man!

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