I have been quite free this month and happy I could just update and write what I wanna write. Updating, writing blog and browsing blogs are nicer things to do =D
Anyway, me and some friends at church attended leadership training camp, but for me, it was likely to be sleepover and fellowship with our church Pastor and friends :) It was simple but yet, good knowledge for everyone to know about teamwork and leadership...
Thanks to Pastor Jonathan and Mr. Chong Yi Liang for its arrangement :)
I like the word of TEAM stands for (I was told), Together Everyone Achieve More! It should be quoted from some one, but I did not write it down and could not remember it! Hehehehe...
Well, Pastor Jonathan presented the presentation in slides show and showed us a video advertisement of Coca Cola at the beginning. For me, it was an interesting advertisement. Sorry, I could not show you the link because I can not access to Youtube at my work place ;) It showed us teamwork of butterflies, grasshoppers and other insects in a park. They stole a Coca Cola drink from some one who was sleeping during him picnic time and finally, open the happiness from the Coca Cola and shared it out. I am sure you roughly would know how it was and basically the main point was to show us how teamwork can do dream work!!! :)
I still remember with some quotations about teamwork. Michael Jordan said that talent wins the games but teamwork wins championship. Henry Ford presented his thought in a way that coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress and working together is success. While, other man stated that teamwork is a fuel for common people for uncommon result. All of it were well said and all are true when we think deeply about it. There are many more quotes about teamwork out there. Google them and let it be the motivation and inspiration for each everyone of us! :)
(I don't really motivated to write this piece actually, I have no interest, but I am forcing my self, hehehe...)
We were asked with some questions about our strengths and things related to our youth teamwork; the top three priority and so on. I was quite excited for this session. I was hoping after everybody answered the question and discussed about the issue, others would point out our good and bad. Personally, I would love this session, it maybe hurts but at least there is a honesty and sincerity. You and me get to know what people think about us, how we are and what kind of leadership that we are!!! Again, it may hurts but it help us to improve! We did not have this kind of session in fact, someone suggested it to Pastor but I guessed Pastor forgot about it, hehehe...
I am not a type who is good at teamwork. I am so bad in it. If can, I would prefer to be on my own with my responsibility, but nothing is this world that would allow us to leave and do things alone. If yes, we will never do any dream works and would never achieve the uncommon result. Until now, I am still learning to be good leader and to be good team player.
Few years back, I was an active leader in some organizations at my school. Me and my small team did many great job before. We organized events, some charity activities and I thought I was a good leader and would be great leader in the future, hahaha... I was wrong. I am not a good a team player in fact. I am quite bossy. Too particular and details, long winded, I am just like an old auntie. For me, to be a follower is not good, I get my self used to be a leader. When I have to, I wish I was the leader, haha...but like I say, I am learning still. It is now better, I do not involved in many organizations anymore, only in church ministry and service, the Boys' Brigade and my office's committe. I miss my old times before when I was a leader. The last time I was leader was back in October 2009 in my college. I was the chairman for our School of Communication final projects. I still remember that there had been too many emotions; hurts, tears, laugh, stress, tension, but I gained and learned a lot. I had fun and maximum satisfaction at the end. Even not all members were actively involved in the process, but some of us were just perfect for that great achievement.
Pastor shared with us how effective team could be. It is nothing more than working together in the same path for same direction. It is far beyond working together, but it is about how the team and each individual grows. Everything begins to grow after the team finishes every discussion and duty. It is so called relationship. Teamwork is beginning to take place when the individual start to learn and understand the importance of putting individual right below the team. Teamwork is about identifying members strengths and weaknesses, then learn each of them and how to make it all works together. Yes, that is it! Learning to work and grow together in the same path to go to the same direction.
Being a good team player is ain't easy. Everyone is different in quality and quantity. We can not expect everyone to be and to do the same. This is the fact that I am learning too; accepting people for who they are. You know what, I always expecting people to do their best, be responsible and committed to their task/ duty, but not everyone can be the same/ the one I expect them to be. No wonder I always get bit tired when I am in team, it is because my expectation is high above.
For me, team is about working together with people that you want to work with. At least, you know them and they know you; how comfortable yourself when you deal and work with them, how all of us get along. That would be my mind consideration. If not, you just have to learn and adapt yourself in it and it takes times. The try could turn out good or bad. Good or hardworking members did not guarantee the success of the teamwork, or irresponsible and uncommitted members would fail the mission. Nope! Mistake, error and conflict can be happen anytime and anywhere. Sometimes bad things and error happen to mark the good start. No one knows!!!
When I come to about the youth team in my church. I would say it is not easy to be in. With different quantity, quality, personality, characters and background of individuals, I need to learn to get my self comfortable with everyone of them. Despite their bad and good, I need to learn to accept who they are. I realize it is hard for me sometimes because there is no good relationship established between me and them. I dislike some of them even, hahaha...Am I bad? I am still thankful that I realize my bad and still hope to change it, but still, I am bad, hahaha...How come I dislike my brothers or sisters? My boyfriend was also surprised. I did not hate them, just dislike the way they act, the way they respond to things and so on. I just dislike.
I wish I could have wisdom to deal with every one of them. Establishing relationship is the most important thing and I should focus on it and surrender all to Him so that He would help me. Oh ya, we concluded three things to be prioritized in our youth ministry. First is relationship, commitment and sincerity if not mistaken, hehehe...So, everyone, let's set our focus correct and I believe, times will make everything falls at its place!
This is bad writing. A mess of mind and thoughts. I have no mood to write about this but I have to write to share it out. I started it few days ago. I just did what a saying said, finish what you have started! ;)