2011, well...it has been a good-bad year. I have had good and bad moments with my friends, families, colleagues, relatives and my loved ones. Me, myself not have not been good enough for the year. I failed people and even my own self, I make other disappointed and hurt some people in life.
It's hard to say goodbye when you know the year is now coming to an end and you haven't done anything meaningful for people and things around you. Honestly, if it happened people ask me what you have done this year, well..um...I am not so sure what to answer. I try to do best in my job (it's a yes, but I complaint still and few times I didn't put my heart in and just finished for deadline), I serve in my church ministry (yes for sure, in worship team and BB ministry, as well as in youth committee, yet I still complaint about few things and people and I haven't been the one who could really work well and not the real good one, but I try my best), I share, take and give (yes, all in one, I need to do more) and blah blah blah...
This morning, when I drove to work. I remembered about my last new year's resolution. When I try to tick them in my mind, whether I hit or not well, I can't name even one. I don't seems to be improving my attitude and behavior after so many things happened, I haven't finished reading my bible, I haven't committed my self to pray everyday without a miss, I haven't be positive, thankful or grateful enough. What have I been doing all these year? It was more likely daily routine; I wake up at the morning, I drive to work while listening to music and praying, I arrive at the office,taking my b'fast, listening to music, watching videos, blogging, facebook-ing, surfing internet, do my job in the midst of these things until 5pm or even more if I have too, I go back to my home, go to gym if I am free and not tired, or dating friends/ my loved ones if any, I have my own movie/ I cook my dinner/ I read few pages of books/ magazine, pray and sleep. That is my weekday routines. Really, I can't recall any good things/ meaningful things I have done to people and things around me, except this Christmas for what I have done to two young men . It is a sad things and I would like to start a new resolution next year and hope that I would be surprise my own self at the end of the day. Could I?
I just wanna say thank you to all things and people around me. Whether I failed you, hurt you, make you feel bad, I made you disappointed or anything else that made you sad or angry. I am truly sorry and I would have myself to do even better next year, all day long. I haven't been enough thankful and grateful too in life for people and things around me. Basically, I am more likely to be negative, full of complaints and not good enough. It is really hard for me to say goodbye 2011, but I need to let them go as to have what is awaiting me next year.
Wishing you all a happy, blessed and joyous New Year! Here are some pics I love to share with you!
...He gives us so much more than the risen sun, blossoms flowers and the blue sky. It a new hope and new blessings for each everyone of us each morning...I wanna count it and let the joy come over me for every little single things in me.
Remember: Life doesn't have to be perfect for you to be happy. Every little things counts and matters. Get over it and look beyond the imperfection. Be happy Leny, nobody and nobody's life is perfect!
He know you and me best. He plan and give the best. It may not be the best in the beginning for you, but He will make things work for you through people and things around you. It prospers you!
Life your life to the fullest! Live each day as it's last day of your life!
“Learn how to live and you'll know how to die; learn how to die, and you'll know how to live.”
-Mitch Albom, Tuesdays with Morrie-
Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.
~ Oprah Winfrey ~
A new day is not on New Year's Eve. It's a new day everyday when you wake up and see the sun rise.
Blessed and joyous new year for you and me!
Cheers to you and me for year and days to come...!!! =)
“The secret to happiness...be satisfied and be grateful.”
- Mitch Albom, Have a Little Faith: The Story of a Last Request -
Learn, change, grow and make difference in days to come...and be surprised at the end of the day!
The old year has gone. Let the dead past bury its own dead. The new year has taken possession of the clock of time. All hail the duties and possibilities of the coming twelve months!
~ Edward Payson Powell ~
All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.
~ Walt Disney ~
Years come and go, and numbers never matter! Dream and live!!! Cheers~
Fight for change, to hold on and to let go! Never give up and keep fighting...
Letting go doesn't mean you forget or give up on thing or person! It's just another new step to welcome what is ahead of you!
Especially for you! Set your new year's resolutions and check 'em out next year! You'll be surprised.
...The ball is suspended there to remind us before we pop the champagne and celebrate the new year, to stop and reflect on the year that has gone by. To remember both our triumphs and our missteps, our promises made and broken. The times we... opened ourselves up to great adventures or closed ourselves down for fear of getting hurt because that is what new years is all about- getting another chance. A chance to forgive, to do better, to do more, to give more, to love more. And stop worrying about what if and start embracing what would be. So when that ball drops at midnight and it will drop, let's remember to be nice to each other, kind to each other. And not just tonight but all year long.
-Claire Morgan at New Year's Eve-
*Psst...those above is more likely I am talking to may self, encouraging and motivating my own self and my own prayer. *