Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Weddings blooms

Me and my man had attended few weddings this year. As usual, I always get excited whenever and who ever that was; to dress up, this and that, well...It was my man's friends most of the time, hahaha, not mine!!!

I am so happy for them, even I really know them or not. It is just a natural reaction I guess. I am kinda excited for my own anyway. Honestly, my families would sometimes asked me about it, when will you get married? I would just smile and not so soon is always my answer. I am okay with that now; when I am being asked with this type of question.

I believe my man is asked even more about it because he is much much much older than me, hahahahaha...I am sorry to say so dear, but you are. I just hope she is okay for being asked too, even though with all friends around him are married. I believe we have our own time for it. We will just pray. No rush for it too anyway.

Recently, we talk more about it now compared to time before. I am happy to talk about it too, hahaha...It means both of us are now being more open to each other and because both of us believe, maybe me believe that time seems to come soon.

I am so thankful to him and his families that never force or rush him about marriage, considering his old age, hahahhaha..Sorry dear! At the moment, especially when I am still studying now, he is not at all asking me, until I am the one who talk about it. I am really thankful for that. At least, I can study and focus on that now. I know from the start he is always ready for marriage but not me, I am is the problem because I am still so young and cute to be a wife. I am not mature and growing up well yet. Hehehe, for him, I may be only little girl.

Well, I have no rush too, just kinda excited for my day someday in the future. He is not rushing for it. We believe the time would come when He allows it. Happy wedding to all who tie knot this year! Be blessed and happy ever after! :)

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