Tuesday, 20 November 2012

He will open the door for me, I still believe!

Being a Christian is not easy. Prayers will not be answer directly when you pray about it. You still have doubt and so do I. I question His existence in my life, and even His blessings.  My man always told me that I am being thankful enough in my life. Yes, that is the fact. I am human, a sinner and still complain and compare. I am learning all this life to be more and more like Him and would like to treasure it my self.

I complain still, but one thing I still believe that is I am who I am today, with all I do and I have, He is my master. For the job, for the courage to start my study again, my ministry, serving in a totally new ministry for me, my life and all, it is His blessings. All doors open for me, because He opens it. He knows that I am complaining about my job and want to change to a new one. He used things and people that I think, it's what He want me to do, but Lord, once again You remind me that You will open the door for Your people and no one would be able to close and You close the door and no one would open it.

I know Lord, that job, serving in ministry may not be the way for me yet, but somehow, please continue to use me and my man to serve You and Your people. Strengthen us too and have Your way in us. Amen!

Father Lord,
for all,
please have Your way in me.
In my job especially, may You lead me to worship You through my work.
In my study, please give me wisdom Lord.
In my life, may I live Your will out and become more and more like you.
In the ministry, strengthen me inside out to serve those children and people related and I work with.
In my relationship, bless us Lord.
Let me be able to be his support, anytime and anywhere.
Also, to have a good relationship with all his families and friends, my families, friends, relatives, my colleagues.
Blessed be Your name.


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